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Cinema workshops

anemiCinema Laboratories


AnemiCinema organizes classes - cinema workshops in its studio in the city center.

The courses are open to everyone who wants to get in touch and engage creatively with the art of cinema in its digital version and in general with audiovisual creation. This year's program envisages the creation of two laboratories and a seminar.  



Through works, participants learn to use the expressive means of cinema, exploring the techniques of storytelling and applying the principles of directing and film composition. They learn how to work with the camera and the lights, to guide the actors, to use the space, and to organize their own productions.

The workshop is completed in three thematic courses (lasting 2 months each) and includes the knowledge of filmmaking , the aesthetics, and the ability to create their own films. The three thematic courses are complementary but also independent of each other.

1st Course ... FROM THE IMAGE TO THE NARRATION. The Image, the Recording of the movement and the Narrative power of the image.

2nd Course ... THE UNION OF SPACE. Picture, Sound and Rhythm in Montage Composition.

3rd Course ... THE MYTHOPLASIA OF THE REAL. Topic, Research and Screenplay in Documentary

* In each course the participants carry out practical work.

* Necessary condition is that the participants have a laptop.

Workshop 2 “# DIY_short_film” (for teens only)

A workshop exclusively for teenagers, to discover the language of cinema but also our / your endurance.

The participants with the help of new technologies, their mobile phones, tablets, their cameras, but also with a professional camera, laptops, tattoos and piercings ...

they will experiment with screenwriting and directing, and will film #DIY their own story!

We will discover the style and form during the workshop, through theoretical monologues, silent dialogues, screening of film excerpts and endless discussions and analyzes about cinema ... the whale's song ... the dog's tail ... the climate change ... and ?????

Anyone interested will need to send a full CV (eg I can sleep all day and all night ...), have mountaineering or diving equipment, a DaDa mood and even half a laptop or an accomplice in the crime.

Teams are also accepted ...

* Infinite cycles ....

* In each cycle the participants carry out practical work.

Seminar on "The political element in Film Noir"

The term "film noir" was first coined in Hollywood films by French critic Nino Franco in 1946, but was unknown to most professionals in the "classic era" American film industry.

In addition to its formal peculiarities and different historical and local manifestations, the genre has always had a special relationship with the current political situation and the developments of the times, sometimes more obvious and sometimes more underground. For example, the conflict between "legal" and "moral" (that they can mean this) is almost always present. As well as the entanglement between money and various forms of power (police, political, judicial, press, etc.)

There will be presentations by film directors, critics and theorists on specific examples of films and their stylistic, narrative, and morphological characteristics will be analyzed. Their characters and actions will be examined and their social and political implications will be explored.

* The seminar will end in 4 meetings, first meeting in November.

Next rounds of seminars with other topics will follow.


Registrations until October 25

information: 2310266702

* download the application form, fill it out

and send it to

download the application form

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